Senior author of the study, Rupesh Kariyat, who now is an associate professor of entomology
and plant pathology at University of Arkansas and his graduate student, Alejandro Vasquez, designed a five-year, two-part study
to observe the effects of frequently mowed Silverleaf Nightshade.
Mowing a weed just makes it stronger, according to a study published in Nature's Scientific Reports, and the consequences can be severe for the agricultural industry.
A study of the effects of mowing on a common weed has found that what doesn't kill
you can make you stronger.
Extension Economist Hunter Biram provides an update on the Farm Bill.
'Woody breast’ chicken meat accounts for $200 million premium yield loss
An international team of scientists has assembled the first complete sequence of the
blackberry genome, creating a genetic tool that will help guide fruit breeders to
develop new varieties with improved flavor, hardiness, and other desired characteristics.