Identify Funding

The Office of Sponsored Programs staff assists UACES faculty to identify funding sources for proposed projects. The staff monitors, the Federal Register, and other resources for the latest funding opportunities. OSP sends to faculty and staff a weekly email (Funding Opps Friday) to complement their individual grant searching efforts.   

Use a Grants Search Engine 

GrantForward is a newly available funding opportunity database that UACES faculty and staff can now access for their own grant searches.  


  1. Click “Sign Up” Link at top right.
  2.  Create Account by entering:
    1. your email
    2. your name
    3. create a password
    4. institution will auto-populate
    5. department
    6. User type – default will work if not student or researcher
  3. Click “Create my Account” – you will receive an email with a link to login.
  4.  After logging in, you can begin to search for grant opportunities by clicking “Grants” Link at the top left.  
  5.  Tips for Searching – Click on “Supports” Link at the top. You will find tools to help you learn to search effectively.  

Funding Sources

Funding for projects related to the UACES mission is available from a wide variety of sources. Federal, State, and Local governmental agencies, commissions, institutions, businesses, and foundations routinely offering funds. Local businesses or Big-Box Chains with stores in your area are most likely to fund small, county-based jobs, while you can look to the intranet to search for foundation funding. Or, contact OSP for assistance!

The following are four popular databases of grants for UACES:

USDA – FNS Grants

USDA – NIFA Grants

USDA – AMS Grants - Federal Website Detailing all Grant Programs

Current Funding Opportunities

OSP sends monthly funding opportunities list to faculty. For grant opportunities specific to your program interest, please contact GibAnn Berryhill