Workday Mandatory Training

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Employees who miss UA System mandatory training deadlines, without extenuating circumstances, may lose eligibility for annual raises and face disciplinary action. See the UA System policy for more information.


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Need Help Accessing or Checking Your Mandatory Employee Training Status in Workday?

Human Resources will hold several open office hours via Zoom for assistance with Mandatory Employee Training on the following dates below.  

March 7th (Friday) - 9:00am to 10:00am
March 12th (Wed) - 2:00pm to 3:00pm
March 27th (Thur) - 9:00am to 10:00am

Zoom links will be sent out by a day prior and the morning of the office hours.


Follow these 5 steps for employees:

5 steps: Log into Workday, select the menu, go to Learning, check for any required trainings (they would be at the top), select transcripts to view your completion records

Download Employee Infographic

Need more info? Download the detailed employee guide here.


Follow these steps for supervisors:

5 steps to check your workday training for supervisors

Download Supervisor Infographic

Need more info? Download the detailed supervisor guide here.


Need additional help?
