Monthly Finance Training Sessions

Monthly Finance Training with UADA Logo and image of dollars

Training sessions are provided by the UADA Finance Department to help employees with processing Workday transactions.

Monthly Finance Training - January 2024

This session covers expense reports, particularly the new business purposes, and conflict of interest requests with travel. 

Monthly Finance Training - February 2024

Topics include common send back reasons (TRAV-207 vs no TRAV-207, expense dates, meals expensed with no lodging, reasons for hotel over per diem), New TRAV-207 Form, Agent Costing Allocations, Effort Reporting, Sales tax, and Special Events.

Monthly Finance Training - March 2024

  • Common send back reasons - driving vs. flying; origin/destination on mileage; meals without lodging claimed; vicinity mileage; TRAV-207 - enter mileage from bottom (with decimals); participant travel expense items; expense line dates – use the dates on the receipt.
  • County MOA’s
  • Staffing / short-handed
  • Spend Authorizations - When needed, How to mark them final on last ER, How to close them out after all ER's (if you didn't do the step above), How to cancel one, What to do if an SA is not completed on out of state travel, International Travel; Must be fully approved before any charges on travel card.

Monthly Finance Training - April 2024

  • Common send back reasons: Origin/Destination on Mileage, Meals without lodging claimed, Vicinity mileage
  • Year-end deadlines: report for checking county M&O balances and report for checking state M&O balances.
  • Other: association meetings, marking expenses as personal, new FSL worktag
  • Update on bulk postage