How can I make my links accessible? 

Links are a great way to add context and clarity to your resources, but inaccessible links are one of the biggest barriers for people with disabilities to interact with that content. Inaccessible links include those that are broken, outdated, complicatedly long, or those that aren't descriptive enough to provide context. A few easy fixes can increase the accessiblity and usability of your resources. 


Links Must be Clear and Descriptive

All links should be able to standalone and still give meaning to the user. Even without text around the link, users should have a good understanding of what a link is going to lead them to. This makes it easier for all users, not just those with disabilities, to navigate your content. 

Entire hyperlinks, and links that are presented simply as "click here" or "click for more" are considered to be not accessible. 



Here are some links we would consider to be not accessible:

Click Here

Learn More


Here are some links we would consider to be accessible

Article: UADA Beekeeping - Apiculture in Arkansas

Click here for more information about beekeeping in Arkansas

Learn more about apiculture in Arkansas 



Open link in current window or new window?

All links should open in the current window regardless or whether it's an external website or not. This is an accessibility requirement since opening links in new windows can disorient screen reader users.

When you insert a link by default it will be set to open in "Current window."

A red box outlines and a red arrow points toward the "current window" option in the "Edit/Insert" link window in OU.



Only Share Quality External Resources 

Only share links that work, are titled clearly, and point to a reputable research-based websites with up-to-date information. 

Do NOT download files from other websites and re-upload them to the UA website! If you want to share an external file, add a URL to that file as a hyperlink instead of uploading the file to our website.

For example, uploading a PDF from another website makes you and UA responsible for the document’s adherence to accessibility compliance. Please leave that responsibility with the original author and their organization. However, you can still share that resource and its content by providing an accessible link.

If you have any questions about how to share an external PDF on your webpage, reach out to



University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Link Policy

All links to external sites open in a new window. You may return to the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture web site by closing this window when you are finished. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information, or the accessibility for people with disabilities listed at any external site.

Links to commercial sites are provided for information and convenience only. Inclusion of sites does not imply University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture's approval of their product or service to the exclusion of others that may be similar, nor does it guarantee or warrant the standard of the products or service offered.

The mention of any commercial product in this web site does not imply its endorsement by the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture over other products not named, nor does the omission imply that they are not satisfactory.



Additional Resources

Links and Hyperlinks - WebAIM

Why Your Links Should Never Say "Click Here" - UX Movement 

Accessible Links - University of Minnesota



Still Need Help? 

Let us know! We are happy to help you make your links more accessible. 

Please contact


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